Engine Yard Portland is open for business!


Earlier this month we moved into our new office space at 1009 SW Yamhill Street in Portland. After a couple weeks of getting everything set up, we’re ready for guests! If you’re in the area, get in touch and come by for a drink, or to join us for lunch at the food carts. ###New additions to the Portland ranks Since first announcing the Portland office opening, we’ve also welcomed some new folks to the Portland crew. We’re excited to welcome to James Rucker and Jim Lindley!

James comes to us by way of Rentrak, where he hacked on analytics web apps for large datasets. He’s a great addition to our cloud platform dev team. When he’s not behind his laptop, you’ll likely find him brewing beer or hiking the Gorge. We’re looking forward to pitting his home-brewing talents against those of Jacob Burkhart, our resident brewmaster in San Francisco.

Jim is our newest engineer and is a recent refuge from the snowy wastes of the Northeast. Jim previously worked on automated media analysis, large scale video storage and processing, and most recently worked as a senior developer for the premier national college application service (yes, the same one many of you used once upon a time). Jim will put his years of Ruby and Javascript experience to good use as a part of our platform team – working on tasks as diverse as fixing annoying Internet Explorer bugs, to increasing availability and reliability for server setups. ###Come work from our couch Now that we’re settled into our space with wifi, desks, and comfy couches (modeled by Jim above), we’re better set up to host. Last Thursday we christened the office with our first guests: Tim and Peter from Gemstone, and Nic and Jon from New Relic. Thanks for helping break in the couches, guys! If you didn’t have a chance to meet Koichi Sasada at the pdx.rb meetup earlier this month, he’ll be co-working from the office for another two weeks before he heads to RubyConf, and then home to Japan.

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We’re delighted to be settled in our new Portland digs. Thanks for making us feel so welcome. Don’t be shy, come by and say hello! And, if you’re interested in joining the team, we’re hiring.

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